Saturday, January 23, 2016


Brittney Scott Enjoying an apple

First Id like to say thank you to Brittney Scott and Chelsea of LeiminSpace for bringing us such an amazing show! Brittney Scotts neon portraits of her friends were one hell of a display. Each one had a different personality to match the characters that attended the event. I was able to sit down with Brittney and digest her thoughts on her process. She is a rad chick that works hard, and I quote:

I didn't get any sleep!!
When asked about the process: her neon displays are all hand crafted by herself, and each one represents a good friend. An unapologetic twitter handle is displayed at each portrait of the person Ms. Scott was representing at the time.  The synchronization of physical world and digital life transcends through this solo show.

The L7 exhibition will be up until February 11th at leiminspace by appointment only
Visit to schedule your appointment.

443 Lei Min Way, 
Los Angeles, CA

If your looking for your photos CLICK HERE!! 

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